Blame Game 2019-01-14


Blame Game (2019)

Blame Game (2019)

105 min.

Martin Behrens is a Middle East expert for the German intelligence agency BND. He obtains information leading to a U.S. drone strike on a wanted terrorist in Zahiristan. A few days later, there's a terrorist attack on a restaurant – the video claiming responsibility calls it payback for the drone strike. Freelance journalist Aurice, with whom Martin was having an affair, is among the victims – she was investigating corruption at the heart of the BND. Martin soon has to realize that in a world where big corporations profit from arms deals as well as from homeland security contracts, good and evil are sometimes hard to tell apart.


Alireza Bairam , Mokhammad-Ali Bekhbudi , Stephan Buschmann , Timo Fakhravar , Aleksandr Feling , Gerbert Fortuber , Norman Khakker , Val'ter Kraie , Kristian Leks , Katarina Lorents , Klaudiia Mikhel'sen , Lene Oderich , Aksel' Pral' , Urs Rekhn , Роберт Портер Темплтон , Ant'e Traue , Стэнли Уолкер , Симон Вернер , Ronal'd Tserfel'd , Avgust Tsirner


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