Uvaa 2015-06-26


Uvaa (2015)

Uvaa (2015)

138 min.

Ram, Anil, Vikram, Salmaan and Deenbandhu are the rebellious brats of suburban Delhi NCR, with the world at their feet and nothing to worry they stomp everything in their path without knowing the consequences, but challenge lay ahead when all of them are put in a totally new world of convent school, here they survive and thrive only to find love. But one night they encounter a horrifying event which puts them in the hands of law. Their lives change forever, they have to fight for justice and moral integrity to make an example for the world.


Om Puri , Radzhit Kapur , Menish Chaudkhari , Parikshit Sakhni , Sangram Singh , Lavin Gothi , Mohit Baghel , Meghvrat Singh , Роэн Мера , Yukti Kapoor , Vinti Idnani , Шина Баджадж , Neha Khan , Shefali Singh , Падам Сингх , Viki Akhudzha , Jyoti Kalash , Mukesh Bkhatt , Aarun Nagar , Рам Суджан Сингх , Правин Арора , Dinesh Chaturvedi , Veer Chechi , Dharmendra v Singh , Rajeev Sharma , Himanshu Yadav , Ankit Arya , Сагар Шукла , Manoj Chaturvedi , Ramandeep Kohli , Udayveer Bhati , Ravi Verma , Hussain Khan , Elena Kazan , Bhupendra Singh Megh , Sandzhai Mishra , Parree Pande , Archana Puran Singkh , Викрант Рай , Vraddhi Sharma , Dzhimmi Shergill , Jeetu Shivhare


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