Broys 2022-06-09


Broys (2022)

Broys (2022)

82 min.

„Broys” Filip and Bartek try to cope with adulthood. An unexpected family tragedy drastically changes the brothers’ worlds - it feels as if they came to a standstill with their whole lives ahead of them.


Khubert Milikovski , Sebast'ian Dela , Tsezary Lukashevich , Marta Stalmierska , Viktoriia Gorodetskaia , Пётр Казимерчик , Mikolaj Matczak , Sebast'ian Stankevich , Robert Piernikowski , Przemyslaw Jankowiak , Natalia Sierzputowska , Maria Kusmierska , Kamila Ibrom , Joanna Szyszko , Alma Asuai , Марта Валесяк , Гжегож Артман , Pawel Dyzio Wlazewicz , Daniel Lesniak , Daniel Sobczyk , Mateusz Kaluzny , Aleksandra Blaszczuk , Zuzanna Wojtas , Antoni Ballaun , Jakub Skalski , Olga Madler , Lew Pakier , Jan Marczewski , Bruno Szostak , Michal Bienko , Artur Saczuk , Kacper Makowski , Dmytro Nesteruk , Feliks Orlinski , Pawel Fic , Kuba Kietlinski , Dominik Galazka , Ngonidzashe Sean Horonga , Maks Kurowski , Filip Bersz


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