Candide or The Optimism in the 20th Century 1960-12-16


Candide or The Optimism in the 20th Century (1960)

Candide or The Optimism in the 20th Century (1960)

88 min.

Charming and innocent, Candide is vigorously chased away by the Baron, for his close encounters with the pretty Cunégonde. World War II breaks out, and when he is drafted and taken prisoner, he is forced to take German nationality and ends up guarding the camp where he was imprisoned. He crossed into Switzerland, but as he had no bank account, he was incarcerated for eight days for trespassing. Hunted by the Gestapo, he kills two men to free Cunégonde, who has finally been found. They both flee to Argentina, and their world tour begins. In Paris, Moscow, New York, Borneo and Alexandria. They try to follow Dr. Pangloss' optimistic rule of life. Tossed about, separated, they find themselves grown old and wiser, thinking only of cultivating their garden on the shores of the Mediterranean.


Zhan-P'er Kassel' , P'er Brassior , Daliia Lavi , Mishel' Simon , Жан Ришар , Lui de Fiunes , Zhan Puare , Mishel' Serro , Dario Moreno , Луис Мариано , Zhan Tiss'e , Надя Грей , Rober Maniuel' , Жан Константен , Zhaklin Maiian , Michèle Verez , Zhak Baliuten , Матильда Казадезю , Kharol'd Kei , O'Dett , Джон Уильям , Дон Циглер , Франсуа Шале , Доминик Жюст , Mireille Alcon , Хабиб Бенглия , Moris Biro , Мишель Гарлэнд , Жиб Гроссак , Марсель Журне , P'er Rep , Alis Saprich , Сибил Солнье , Эди Силвиан , Дэниэль Тессьер , Мишель Томасс


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