Who Was That Lady? 1960-04-08


Who Was That Lady? (1960)

Who Was That Lady? (1960)

109 min.

In order to get back into the good graces with his wife with whom he has had a misunderstanding, a young chemistry professor concocts a wild story that he is an undercover FBI agent. To help him with his story he enlists the aid of a friend who is a TV writer. The wife swallows the story and the film's climax takes place in the sub-basements of the Empire State Building. The professor and his friend, believing themselves prisoners on an enemy submarine, patriotically try to scuttle the vessel and succeed only in rocking the building.


Toni Kertis , Din Martin , Dzhanet Li , Dzheims Uitmor , Dzhon MakIntair , Barbara Nikols , Larri Kiting , Larri Storch , Saimon Ouklend , Джои Лэнсинг , Барбара Хайнс , Мэрион Джавитс , Майк Лэйн , Памела Каррен , Mark Allen , Леон Элтон , Dzhek Benni , Larri Dzh. Bleik , Uil'iam Boiett , Uolli Braun , Бойд Кабин , Алан Карни , Джордж Форд , Арт Гилмор , Джо Грэй , Ron Kheies , Берт Мадрид , Kharol'd Miller , Джордж Нарделли , Уильям Ньюэлл , Уильям Х. О’Брайэн , Мюррэй Поллак , Снуб Поллард , Фред Раппорт , Фрэнк Дж. Сканнелл , Скотт Ситон , Эмиль Ситка , Руди Солари , Larri Tomas , Питер М. Томпсон , Daiann Torn , Kem Tong , Артур Тови , Джон Уорд , Херберт Уинтерс


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