Queen Margot 1954-11-25


Queen Margot (1954)

Queen Margot (1954)

106 min.

Marguerite de Valois, daughter of Catherine de Médicis, celebrates her wedding with Henri de Navarre. Officially, it's a rapprochement between the League and the Huguenots. In fact, it was an opportunity to bring all the Huguenots to Paris and kill them all at once. King Charles IX fails in his attempt on Coligny's life. Queen Margot tries to save her husband from the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre by preventing the annulment of his marriage, forcing Henri to share her bed. Two knights from opposing camps are wounded and, saved în extremis, are hidden together by the queen and her cousin. Margot falls in love with one of them, but has to run to warn her husband of a new attack and cannot prevent the two knights from being beheaded.


Zhanna Moro , Армандо Франчоли , Робер Порт , Anri Zhene , Франсуаза Розе , Андре Версини , Фиорелла Мари , Daniel' Chekkal'di , Патриция Лари , Nikol' Richi , Луи Арбесье , Ги Кернер , Zhan-Rozhe Kossimon , Zhan Temerson , Oliv'e Mato , Жан Ланье , Роберт Моор , Zhak Eizer , Vittorio Sanipoli , Rene Blankar , Zhan-Mari Bon , Жак Безар , André Collombet , Lui de Fiunes , Жорж Демас , Жан Дювал , Пьер Монкорбье , Pakerett , Гай Сэинт-Клэр , Serzh Sovion , Jean Thielment , Марк Вальбель


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