Kawaisugi Crisis 2023-04-07

Kawaisugi Crisis (2023)

Kawaisugi Crisis (2023)

25 min.

Invading alien Liza Luna wants nothing more than to destroy planet Earth... after she gets in a little sightseeing, first. But her travels soon take her into a cat café, where the furry felines inside invade her heart just as surely as Liza invaded Earth! Destroying the world won't be so easy now that she's discovered the joys of kitty cats...


Iumiri Khanamori , Natsumi Fudzivara , Iuiti Nakamura , Khikaru Midorikava , Miiu Tomita , Reina Kondo , Aiasa Ito , Dzin Ogasavara , Iume Miiamoto , Saia Aidzava


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