Daughters of Satan 2011-04-14


Daughters of Satan (2011)

Daughters of Satan (2011)

25 min.

In response to the worsening crime rate, Japan creates Tokyo Butei High, an elite academy where "Butei" or armed detectives hone their deadly skills in hopes of becoming mercenary-like agents of justice. One particular Butei is Kinji Tooyama, an anti-social and curt sophomore dropout who was once a student of the combat-centric Assault Division. Kinji now lives a life of leisure studying logistics in order to cover up his powerful but embarrassing special ability. However, his peaceful days soon come to an end when he becomes the target of the infamous "Butei Killer," and runs into an emotional hurricane and outspoken prodigy of the highest rank, Aria Holmes Kanzaki, who saves Kinji's life and demands that he become her partner after seeing what he is truly capable of.


Rie Kugimiia , Dziundzi Madzima , Mariia Ise , Mikako Takakhasi , Takaiuki Kondo , Kendzi Nodzima , Takuia Eguti , Риэ Ямагути , Рина Дэндо , Kaori Isikhara , Aiako Kavasumi , Kadzuiuki Okitsu , Сюндзо Миясака , Rena Maeda , Masumi Asano , Mai Nakakhara , Kendzi Akabane , Iositsugu Matsuoka , Рёкити Такахаси , Nobuaki Kanemitsu , Kenta Miiake , Kaoru Midzukhara , Saiaka Okhara , Khisako Kanemoto , Iusuke Kuvakhata , Юико Тацуми , Ититаро Аи , Asuka Nisi , Эрика Судо


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